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致親愛的捐款人與支持者:我很榮幸地向大家宣佈:臺灣防盲基金會正式成為國際指標性的防盲組織——The International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness(IAPB)的一員。
董事長 蔡瑞芳 醫師
Dear Donors and Supporters,
I am honored to announce that Taiwan Prevent Blindness Foundation has officially become a member of the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB).
IAPB is a global alliance composed of over 200 organizations, working together on crucial international blindness prevention and advocacy activities, dedicated to promoting global eye health.
This significant milestone not only symbolizes our efforts and achievements in international ophthalmic services but also marks a new beginning for our future aspirations!
Our Mission for International Eye Health
Taiwan Prevent Blindness Foundation is dedicated not only to providing eye care services in rural Taiwan but also to promoting blindness prevention services internationally. Since 2017, we have launched international eye care projects in Nepal and Myanmar, partnering with local service organizations to conduct free eye camps, health education, and lighting improvement services. To date, we have served over 20,000 people.
We deeply understand the importance of these services to local communities, helping them regain their sight and improve their lives. In the future, we hope that joining IAPB will allow us to expand our international service, collaborate with international partner organizations, share resources and best practices, and further enhance our service impact, contributing to the development of global eye health.
Chairman Ray Jui-Fang Tsai MD
Taiwan Prevent Blindness Foundation